Low Key Dog Walks aligns with the Fear Free mission: to prevent and alleviate fear, anxiety, and stress in pets by inspiring and educating the people who care for them.

  • In alignment with PACTA BC, we believe that the mental and emotional health of our pups is important. We’ll treat every dog with respect, and practice the Fear Free techniques of considerate approach, gentle control, and consensual touch. We pay close attention to their body language, and aim to interpret what the dog is trying to tell us in every situation.

    We know that Fear Free techniques improve our relationship with each dog, as well as their overall wellbeing!

  • Positive Reinforcement is the addition of a reinforcer (treats, praise, pets) that make it more likely for a desirable behaviour to occur in the future.

    We use positive reinforcement (R+) and force-free techniques with our pups. This means there is no intentional use of force (aversive tools, physical force, corrections). We make use of redirection, treat scatters, and praise. We will never punish or coerce our dogs.

    Just like us, dogs have feelings and communication tools. Our goal is to listen and build a positive, trusting relationship with your pup: to reinforce their natural instincts and abilities, encourage them to make the right choices, and reward desirable behaviour by creating an environment for success.

  • If you have any questions, or want to learn more about Fear Free services and training, please inquire about our local partners who can assist you with your training goals. Read More about Fear Free, Happy Homes!

Choosing Equipment

We understand there are many factors when it comes to choosing equipment for your pup. Our team will work within their scope, and will therefore not use prong, pinch, choke, or e-collars. Learn more here! We will also not use any form of leash correction, and avoid physical handling. This is to ensure our walkers are practicing consistent force-free techniques with all of our Low Key dogs.

If you are unsure if your current equipment is within our scope, please ask!

We are happy to recommend the Freedom Harness as a secure harness solution that prioritizes safety, and supports leash walking goals. Remember, when adopting new gear it is vital to introduce it slowly, and prior to a Group walk experience. This 2Hounds Design harness is especially great for collar and harness escape artists, and strong pullers.

We are excited to be an affiliate of 2Hounds Design, and earn a small commission whenever purchases are made through the link on our website.

Freedom Harness in action!